Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Birth of 'Big Mama'

We (my husband, and our four friends that we were travelling with - two guys and two girls) were waiting for the ferry to take us from the island of Koh Phangan back to the island of Koh Samui in the Gulf of Thailand. The Thai Guy who worked for the ferry company asked us where we were heading to, and through this conversation, we realized that we had the wrong location written on our 'sticker', and we'd have to get that changed before getting on the boat, so that we'd get the correct transfer van upon arrival. 
We were at the end of a LONG pier, and the ticket booth was WAY back at the start of the pier. 
So I proceeded to collect all the stickers from our group, no sense in all of us making the long walk in the humid-choked air. 
As I was doing so, the Thai Ferry Guy laughs and says, "Are you the Mama?"
"Yah," I laughed in reply, "Someone's got to take care of this group of riff-raffs."
"Ha, ha, Big Mama!" he helpfully adds non-chalantly.
Well, did my friends ever had a good chuckle over that one. They all quickly chimed in,
"Hey, Big Mama, here's my ticket."
"You'd better hurry up, Big Mama, I think I see the ferry coming."
"Get me a water while you're at it Big Mama." 
It IS true that:
a. I can be a bit mothering, when mothering is needed....
b. I can be a bit of a control freak when travelling.....
and c. I over-research every destination I travel to so I know what my options are.
BUT, I am neither BIG nor a MAMA, so I guess the combination of all these is what made the nickname so humourous to my travel companions and thus, Big Mama was born.

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